Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Crime Testing Rock

We found this "Crime Testing Rock" on our way down Sunlinksee. I know it sounds ridiculous, but the sign said a guiltless man can stand on the rock with one leg and eyes closed for ten seconds without trembling. We all gave it a try, trying to prove ourselves innocent, but none of us could last more than three seconds. Oh well, everyone do commit crimes more or less, right? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

hi, i am maddy.
i think that photo was really cool, and its really nice of you to hav a blog opened 4 ur family and friends. tho since i am neither, i am still interested in ur totally cute and innocent blog.
keep going dude!

Lisa said...

Thanks a lot! Though I'm not sure I really know you. If you're just a user browsing through blogs, I really appreciate you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Nice to meet you!